Apply for Membership

NRB has Full and Associate Memberships.  Full Membership is available to all U.S. and international organizations and individuals who use radio, television, digital media, film, streaming, podcasting, and other forms of electronic mass media for the dissemination of the Gospel.  Associate Membership is available to individuals and organizations engaged in services related to the purposes of NRB members, including vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, and publishers. 

Full Company, Individual, and Individual Professional (IPM) members must subscribe to NRB's Statement of Faith and Code of Ethics and agree to Christian arbitration for dispute resolution.  Individual classes of Membership are portable, i.e., the Membership travels with the person and is not tied to a particular Christian media organization.

Full Company, and Individual Memberships allow the NRB Member voice and vote at the NRB Annual Business Meeting. However, if either an Individual Member or an IPM is employed by a Christian organization that is also a Member, the individual has no voice or vote at the Annual Business Meeting, unless the individual has been designated as a delegate by the member organization.

Note that the process for application processing and approval generally takes from 4-6 weeks.

For questions about membership please contact membership@nrb.orgThere is a $50 application (non-refundable) fee for all membership application types.

Join NRB - Individuals

Please click the button that corresponds with the type of membership that you would like to apply for.


Associate Individual

Associate membership is offered to individuals and organizations who are engaged in services related to the purposes of the members of NRB. This includes vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, publishers, musicians, start-up stations/programs, individual faculty of Christian schools, and retired broadcasters.  

Full Individual

Full membership with voice and vote and all other benefits of NRB is offered to organizations and individuals within the United States and internationally who are associated with the field of Christian broadcasting. This includes non-profit and for-profit organizations and individuals such as Christian station and network owners/operators, program producers, agencies, attorneys, and consultants representing Christian broadcasters, Christian book publishers, Christian broadcasters working within secular media, and Christian educational institutions.

Join NRB - Organizations

Organizational Memberships:  Note that if you are submitting an application on behalf of your company, you must identify your parent organization first, before the option to Apply for Company Membership appears as a button. If you have not done so yet, you can click above to identify your organization now.

Associate Company

Associate membership is offered to individuals and organizations who are engaged in services related to the purposes of the members of NRB. This includes vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, publishers, musicians, start-up stations/programs, individual faculty of Christian schools, and retired broadcasters. 

Full Company

Full membership with voice and vote and all other benefits of NRB is offered to organizations and individuals within the United States and internationally who are associated with the field of Christian broadcasting. This includes non-profit and for-profit organizations and individuals such as Christian station and network owners/operators, program producers, agencies, attorneys, and consultants representing Christian broadcasters, Christian book publishers, Christian broadcasters working within secular media, and Christian educational institutions.

For a futher explanation of Non-profit and For-profit dues calcuation related media expenses please click here.